Toes in the Water
I've decided that I listen to myself "talk" so much, I might as well give others the pleasure as well. Sharing the wealth, people!! :) It's amazing how staring at a blank piece of screen can create such a cacophony of emotions. There's so much to say, yet nothing to say. I'm pretty sure another cup of coffee would help immensely. As the weeks unfold, I'll be opening up and sharing some interesting thoughts and memories, some fun, and some not so fun, but always cathartic, and hopefully entertaining and enlightening to others. Unwrapping memories is at times like untangling a favorite piece of jewelry all hung up on itself. It can be a frustrating, painstaking process, but you know what a beautiful piece it is and how great it feels to wear. That is our soul. If we don't uncover ourselves, and bring it to light, revealing the true beauty of it, we just sit in a jewelry chest somewhere getting tarnished and corrupted by th...